Local contacts and suppliers
Directory of local trades
If you wish to be listed, please email editor@eastgrimstead.com
Farley Beef: Robin Pitkin www.traditional-meat.co.uk
The Brooke, Evelyn Thistlethwaite Charity helps extreme cases of need, hardship or distress within our Parish: 01722 712744
Builder: james@craftmore.co.uk 07901 000986
Chimney sweep: Simon Morton 01980 626961
Rosary Goats Cheese: www.rosarygoatscheese.co.uk - delivers from Landford HQ
Defibrillator: positioned at Reading Room entrance
Domestic appliance repair: CB Domestics 01722 449369
Email list: eastgrimstead@hotmail.co.uk
Gardening Services Ltd: www.tealsgardening.com 01794 340278
GP: Whiteparish Surgery 01794 884269
Mobile Hairdressing: Nicki 07900 880941
Holiday cottage: www.salisburycottage.com 01722 712259
Ironing Andrea Sparks 07388486214
Link scheme provides a return journey transport service. To access the scheme or volunteer: 01794 884390
Pest control: Mark Luckhurst 07546 007952
Pub: The Hook & Glove, Farley www.thehookandglove.co.uk
Reading Room: readingroom@eastgrimstead.com
Lover Repair Cafe: Wednesday and Friday mornings - loverrepaircafe@gmail.com
Taxi: keith_bath@hotmail.co.uk, West Grimstead 01722 710111 Seats x8.
Tree surgeon: Greg Gent 01794 340610
Vegetable box delivery: hellovegshed@gmail.com, Lockerley
Vets: The Vets 01722 337117