Grimstead Parish Council
NEXT MEETING: first Monday of the month
Parish Council meetings are held once a month in the Reading Room and West Grimstead Village Hall. The PC works towards keeping the Parish a desirable place to live and makes decisions on issues that affect our community. The first ten minutes of every meeting is set aside for members of the public to ask questions or raise matters of concern. No need to tell us in advance or stay for the whole meeting; just turn up on the night and you will receive a warm welcome.
Our Wiltshire Councillor is Cllr Richard Britton (Conservative).
East Grimstead Councillors are JP Sharp (Chair) and Annie Child.
The Parish Clerk's email address is
Minutes from previous meetings can be found on the Grimstead Parish Council website.
To book and report Wiltshire Council services, the easiest and quickest way is via MyWilts online reporting